Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Solution to childhood obesity in Australia Essay Example for Free

A Solution to childhood obesity in Australia Essay It is essential that through government and community participation, we develop, establish and integrate safe strategies to tackle the ever increasing problem of childhood obesity. Australia is rapidly turning into a nation of fat kids. One in every five youngsters is now designated as overweight or obese, living a life prone to cardiovascular and health problems along with risks to there mental state and general well being. Studies conducted by The Australian Diabetes, obesity and lifestyle council indicate that poor self-esteem and confidence has also been associated with obesity and almost doubles the chances of depression. Education Queensland also associates obesity with poor academic performance, un-developed motor skills and coordination. Obesity is a killer, not only causing serious long term medial problems, but costing the taxpayer over a billion dollars each year. Something must be done. If we dont act on this problem NOW, then it is predicted by 2020 that 65% of adolescents will be overweight or obese. There are so many reasons to exercise, so many benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. In todays media conscious world we hear bout them, read bout them and are told about them almost everyday. So why do we continually ask the question.. why is Australias youth becoming increasingly overweight and unfit? There is a simple reason behind this staggering truth, a recent study found that 80 percent of adolescence did very little or no exercise- daily activities such as walking to school, physical education classes, after school activities, chores and general playing have been replaced with a sedentary lifestyle in front of the TV, computer or video games. Together we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that offers adolescents of all ages the opportunity to engage in physical activity that enhances work, recreation and sports enjoyment and performance. For you see Im not going to let another child go through the pain, torture and humiliation I suffered in my childhood years. Let me tell you a story For the majority of my primary years I was called fattie. I weighed about a 130 kilos, had a double chin, a bulging gut, fat hanging from every direction and for this physical appearance I truly copped it. Undoubtedly, my years at primary school probably werent like your days, fun-filled or joyful, my days were filled with tears, pain and suffering. Every single day of my life from years four to seven were filled with name calling and pranks. Not a day went by that I didnt get singled out, harassed or bullied. Day after day, second after second I was being called fat boy, fattie, go have another cheese burger. It tore away my confidence and squashed my self esteem. I missed out on what people describe as some of the best years of your life, I gave up rugby, soccer and swimming not because I didnt enjoy it, but instead because every time I went to training or a game I felt alone inadequate. How would you like it if you life was like this day after day, , minute after minute? Do you think youd be sitting where you are today?, This heart break, pain and torture was caused by one thing obesity. I was so sick of been harassed, singled out I searched for a solution. Three months later, after living on a diet that consisted of egg white, protein shakes and salad and an hours exercise. I was a new person, sixty kilos lighter. But the psychological issues were still there, I became ever more unconfident, depressed and unsure of myself. I became addicted to the gym, going twice or three times a day and even took growth hormones and steroids to gain peoples acceptance. The cycle kept on going, until it got to the point where it got to much, the body couldnt handle it, I couldnt handle.. and I found myself in hospital. Childhood obesity isnt simply, an issue of been fat, it plays with the mind and heart. Together, we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that allows youths of all shapes and sizes the chance to identify the physiological reason as why they are overweight, the opportunity to be involved with whatever physical activity they find fun, and motivate and  support them to lead a healthy and active life in a safe manner. Something needs to be done. It is essential that through political and social streams, an alliance is formed to tackle the ever increasing problems of childhood obesity. With government funding, a program can be developed that that permanently changes basic eating and exercise habits. This will be achieved by identifying the key emotional issues that are instrumental in the adolescent becoming overweight. Allowing children from all socio-economic backgrounds the opportunity to take up physical activity such as soccer or rugby and be in a supportive atmosphere were dietians, physiologist and mentors are available. Such a program can be integrated within the current school time table or take place as an after school care activity. By establishing and integrating such a program that approaches the problems of childhood obesity from every angle, we can hopefully help those one in five suffers. Studies by Fitness Australia, illustrate that Youth receiving additional physical activity tend to show improved attributes such as increased brain function and nourishment, higher energy/concentration levels, changes in body build affecting increased self-esteem and better behaviour which may all support cognitive learning. If this is not enough to convince you, then think bout it from your own perspective, would you like to be teased and tormented everyday, live in a world of depression, where you simply dont think you match up? As Martin Luther King once said I am not sure I would have wanted my children to live a life of torment and abuse, so I dared to stop it. Together, we can turn Australia into a nation of healthy, lean, happy and confident children, that are on top of the world.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Gummo - Movie Critique :: essays research papers

The film Gummo is intended to be a symbolic movie in which fantasy and reality intertwine. Initially, the film opens in a small town in Ohio after a tornado has swept through and destroyed it. Economically the small region is wrecked. Like the buildings around them, the social fabric that is holding the town together is coming apart at the seams. Whatever traditions and values this town has held in the past seem to no longer exist as the line between the sacred and the profane has been obscured beyond recognition. While it is difficult to know outright the attitudes and convictions of any social group, based on what the film shows there is little, if any, social solidarity in this environment. The foundation for this statement can be seen in the lack of any authoritative figures in the film. The town is seemingly void of any structure, law, or government, and the actions of its’ residents seem to reflect this. Individualism seems to reign supreme in this community, if it can b e called that. Admittedly social bonds such as friends and family still exist, but as a whole individual pursuits and interests still override any pretense of collective purpose. This fact, however, doesn’t truly deviate at all from what is considered normal, true it does take on a much uglier face in Gummo, but individual goals and pursuits are commonplace practically anywhere in the United States and around the globe. On the other hand, it must be realized that in most instances natural disasters do have a history of bringing communities together in times of hardship, something that is not at all seen in the film. In short, the social order, much like the town itself, is in shambles, with little or no social solidarity. Gummo is meant to be entirely symbolic in one way or another. One of the more notable symbolisms is that of cats and their murder. The function of their deaths is rather straightforward: in a town such as this, there appears to be very little to do. In fact one thing that is never seen in Gummo is the playing of any kind of sport or recreational activity. It appears as though the teenagers are suffering from extreme cases of boredom and, because of the demand at the butcher shop, they can be paid and entertained through the murdering of these animals.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Helicopter investigation Essay

Easily established, the sycamore tree produces sycamore seeds. These seeds are of an extremely strange looking seed, I say this because the seeds when in the air they spin like tiny helicopters. Due to the spinning they are kept in the air for a longer amount of time. Aim In this investigation I have been asked to find out how long it takes for a paper helicopter to fall 2 metres. After doing this I shall investigate other ways of changing the timing of its landing. I shall do this by using a range of variables. These include of:   Length of wings Number of tailsI have chosen to use the variable of the number of paperclips being added to the tail of the paper helicopter that I shall make. I have chosen to change this variable because I know that gravitation is the effect of the gravitational force of attraction, which acts between all objects in the universe. For example it is widely noticed with massive objects like the planets. The planets remain in orbit because of gravitational force of attraction. The gravitational force, which pulls the object downwards, is called the weight of the object. Isaac Newton stated that there is a gravitational force of attraction between any two objects with mass, which depends on their masses, and the distance between them. I think with this information I can easily say that by adding more and more paperclips on to the tail of the paper helicopter it will gain more weight which will cause the gravitational force to pull it downwards rather than upwards as there is a bigger mass pulling it downwards. I also chose to use this variable instead of changing the length of the wings because I thought that it would have a much more affective difference in the timing of its landing. In this investigation in order to get the best results possible I shall be doing the experiment 5 times. This will give me a good range of results and a better result as I get a better view of the timing of how long it takes to land with different numbers of paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. It is always essential to make every investigation of whatever type it is to make sure that it is going to be a fair test. In order to achieve this I shall only be changing one variable, which I have already established to be of the number of paperclips added to the tail of the paper helicopter. Prediction In the investigation which I shall be doing I think that I will be expecting for the paper helicopter to fall to the ground in a much quicker timing when it has 5 paperclips attached to the tail of it, than it should do when it has either none, 1,2,3,or 4 paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. I say this because from the information that I have already been supported by to take this investigation further, it also helps me with my prediction. Using Isaac Newton’s law of gravitation, I can easily say that with his theory of objects being pulled downwards by a force called weight, it helps me to explain that when I add more and more paperclips to the tail of the paper helicopter it doesn’t just mean that the number of paperclips are increasing but it also means that the mass is also increasing. Causing the paper helicopter to fall downwards and not upwards. Why do I say this? I say this because an example being is†¦ Say if I were to get a balloon and fill it with Helium, due to the helium being placed inside of the balloon we already know that for some reason the balloon seems to go up into the air. This is because Helium is lighter than air causing the gravitational force to pull it upwards and not downwards as the weight is very low. Whereas if we were to place water inside of the helium filled balloon it would be brought back downwards because the weight of the water forces the balloon to be brought back down again. What do I expect in the graph outcome? It is easily said that when a line graph is drawn out to show the results of the investigation that I am about to carry out, the line should start off near the very top of the ‘y’ axis. This should be when there are no paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. Near quite the very end of the ‘x’ axis should the very last point be drawn, therefore making the plotted points decreasing as it goes along the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axis. I think that this graph prediction would go for both the average graph and the graphs for all 5 sets of results, which shall be already obtained by that time. Equipment (As shown in Diagram 1. 1) Paper   Paper clips   Stopwatch/Timer   Scissors   Ruler Diagram 1. 1 Method What should I be doing in order to make this investigation to the highest standard possible? In order to get good results I firstly have to start off by making the paper helicopter. In this experiment I have to look into the needs of safety, I have noticed that none would have to be carried out such as goggles or safety cloaks etc†¦ How do I make a paper helicopter? Firstly I am to get a piece of A4 paper. Some may choose for the A4 to be coloured but I will just leave it to be plain. In our class lesson Mr Findley (our physics teacher,) has given us an information sheet, which includes of the carcass drawing of the paper helicopter. It shows us where to cut and fold and what measurements are involved. Diagram 1. 2 The diagram, which has been drawn above, has not been drawn to scale. Once I draw out the drawing of the paper helicopter on the A4 sheet of paper, carefully done using a ruler of course. I am to cut along and fold along the lines as described: Where the dotted lines are shown this is where we are to fold along, and where the straight solid lines have been drawn in, we are to cut along them. The cutting of course will be done with a pair of scissors. After they are cut out and folded along, some may find it better and more presentable if they are to be decorate and colour in their paper helicopters! What else is involved in this investigation? Once all of the above has been done we are to set up our equipment out. Having set out the timer, paperclips, and paper helicopter in front of me, I am to make sure that I have drawn out a results table, which I will record the timings down in. (As shown in the results table. ) I will then ask for a little help for getting the timing at the best time possible. When I went to drop/release the paper helicopter from my hands I realised that I wasn’t actually in fact dropping/releasing the paper helicopter from 2 metres of height. In fact I was dropping it from my height with my arms being placed right above my head as high as I could manage. So I then made sure to measure how high I was releasing the paper helicopter from, I found that with the heels of my shoe and my arms being stretched up way above my head I was actually releasing the paper helicopter from a height of 2 metres and 3 centimetres. I left the measurement of the height I was releasing the paper helicopter at how it was already, because it was getting to the point where it would be getting very time consuming. When dropping the paper helicopter out of my hands I am to make sure that I drop it at the same time that my friend is to say â€Å"GO†, this is so that he can time it with accuracy. When the paper helicopter will land on the ground I will then yell â€Å"STOP†, so that he is able to stop the timer/stopwatch at the right time in order to get the most accurate timing possible. When I get results for dropping the paper helicopter without any paperclips attached to the tail of it, 5 times, I will make sure that I have written down the timings in my results table. After doing so, I am to attach the first paperclip to the paper helicopter and then do the same thing again. (Drop the paper helicopter, time it, and write down timings in results table. ) After every 5 sets of results with the same number of paperclips attached, I am to add another paperclip to the paperclip, which is already placed on the tail of the paper helicopter. I shall do this until I have 5 paperclips attached to the tail of the paper helicopter. How the paper clips should be placed has been shown in the diagram below. Diagram 1. 3 Results Table Number Of Paperclips 1st (Time in Seconds) 2nd (Time in Seconds) 3rd (Time in Seconds) 4th (Time in Seconds) 5th (Time in Seconds) Average (Time in Seconds) 08 As you can see, in the results tables above I have gathered all my timings into the table. Once I had placed all my timings in the table I was to work out the average of each set of timings. To do this I was to add up all of the sets of timings together and then divide it by 5 because that was the number of times I had done the experiment for each set. Here are my workings out towards how I worked out the average for each set of results. Workings out for Average(s) (Please note that ‘/’ stands for the division sign) When working out the, I firstly got all my timings for the specific set of results, added them together and divided them by 5, I divided it by 5 because this was the number of times I had timed it falling from the air to the ground. As shown below: Number of paperclips = 0 Timings 1Graphs/Conclusion I have formed out a graph to show the results of the five sets of results. Another graph is shown on the next page, except this is a graph, which shows the averages of all 5 sets of results, which I had gathered in my investigation. From looking at this graph we can easily say that the second set of results stand out the most. I have re-checked my results and have noticed that none of the outcome results really stand out greatly, as they are all in proportion. This shows me that my experiments had gone very well without making any large genuine mistakes. I think that the 2nd time I did all the results, the timing may not have been stopped at the right time or maybe not started at the right time, causing the timing to be of a much higher outcome than it should have done. There is not really much of a time difference from when there was two paperclips on the tail of the paper helicopter to when there was three paperclips attached to the paper helicopter’s tail. Looking back at the result table I can see that there is only a difference of 0. 06 seconds whereas in my other results I have found there to be at least a 0. 10 second difference. It is obviously noticeable that my prediction was to go ahead to be forwardly correct. I can say this with confidence because I had information to back up my prediction, which helped me forward, my ideas towards what should actually happen in my experiment. As said earlier in my prediction, I mentioned that the line would be decreasing down towards the ‘x’ axis and away from the ‘y’ axis. We can see in the graph above that this predicament was proved to be correct. From looking at this averages graph it is easily spoken of that the investigation that I have carried have has gone very well. I say this because as shown above, we can see that the average line is actually going downwards as the number of paperclips had increased on the tail of the paper helicopter. Thus showing that my prediction was right. I was able to make sure that my prediction was quite reliable with backing it up with a hypothesis, which had been concluded, from Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravitation. With the information from this Law of Gravitation I was able to predict that when there is a force being put onto an object from its natural force then it is called weight as it is pulling it downwards. So when I was asked to do an experiment that was involved in placing more and more paperclips to the tail of a paper helicopter I already knew in my mind that the timing of the landing would get shorter and shorter. This was due to general knowledge but also scientific knowledge†¦ Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravitation. With this scientific explanation we have been able to predict many scientific happenings. Evaluation I am glad to say that throughout the whole of this investigation I did not make any noticeable, genuine mistakes. I later went on to find out that I was standing at a height of 2 metres and 3 centimetres. This information of course was later found out after I was more than half way through the experiment, so I had to decide whether to go ahead with doing the experiment all at a drop of 2 metres and 3 centimetres or change it and have half the results at 2 metres and 3 centimetres whilst the rest of the results would be obtained from a height of an exact 2 metres. I had decided that if I were to go on to do this I would not be carrying out a fair test. Although the investigation was asked of a 2 metre drop I still thought that although I had dropped it at an extra 3 centimetres higher it was still a very fair test because I had kept drop height throughout the whole of the investigation. Whilst doing the investigation I had managed to do everything according to how I had written it out to have been done, although sometimes I had to be re-timed as mistakes were made as I sometimes dropped the paper helicopter without being told to! All in all I think the investigation was carried out well and was a fair test, I made sure that only one variable was changed and that the timing was done at the most accurate timing possible. In order to make it a fair test it also meant that safety was to be involved as well, as far as I was concerned not many safety measures had to be taken, I say this because as mentioned earlier no safety goggles were needed, no hair was really in need of being tied back and no safety cloaks were to be worn. The only safety we were to be notified was to tuck in our stools so that no accidents were to be caused as the investigations were being held. Looking back at my results I don’t really think that there were really any results which were unexpected, there may have been the one or two timings which may have been timed a bit earlier than they should have been but nothing which was really way out of proportion. If I were to do this experiment again I think that I will definitely make sure that I am to drop the paper helicopter at a height of 2 metres and not 2 metres and 3 centimetres! I shall aim to achieve more results although I feel that I already have a reasonable amount of timings. I think that if I were to do the experiment again I would achieve a very similar set of results, as it would only be from the difference of 3 centimetres. Bibliography In order to help e forward my ideas I was in need of many sources, in which I found the following helpful†¦. 1) www. encarta. co. uk ‘Law of Gravitation’ 2) The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science. Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Written by; Corrine Stockley, Chris Oxlade and Jane Werthiem. 3) School GCSE Physics book 4) Physics Lesson.

Monday, January 6, 2020

More About Indirect Objects in Spanish

In Spanish, you may find indirect object pronouns where you least expect them, at least if your native language is English. That is because in Spanish, the indirect object pronouns have a much wider variety of uses than they do in English. As you may recall, in English the indirect object pronouns are used almost exclusively to indicate that someone has been the recipient of a verbs action although not directly acted upon. Thus, in English, the indirect object is often a shorter substitute for saying something is being done to or for someone. The same usage is common in Spanish (although the use of the indirect object is usually mandatory in such sentences, not so in English). A few examples should help explain this usage: English: I am giving him the books. Spanish: Le doy los libros. Explanation: Book (libro) is the direct object of the verb because it is the object that is given. The indirect object is him, because he is the recipient of the action. The English sentence is the equivalent of I am giving the book to him. English: He showed her the house. Spanish: Le enseà ±Ãƒ ³ la casa. Explanation: House (casa) is the direct object because it is what was shown. The indirect object is her, because she is the recipient of the action. The English sentence is the equivalent of He showed the house to her. English: They are serving us the dinner. Spanish: Nos sirven la cena. Explanation: Dinner (cena) is the direct object because it is what is being served. The indirect object is us, because we are the recipients of the action. The English sentence is the equivalent of They are serving the dinner to us. In Spanish, indirect object pronouns are used in similar sentences that would be awkward in English. For example, while it is possible to say, They are painting me a house, it would be more common to say, They are painting a house for me. In Spanish, there is no awkwardness; the normal sentence construction still would be Me pintan una casa. The main point of this lesson, however, is that Spanish uses the indirect objects in many cases where it would be impossible to do so in English. As noted above, English typically uses the indirect object for cases in which the object is the recipient of some object or action. In Spanish, however, the indirect object can be used in other types of instances where the object is merely affected by the action. The use of the pronoun indicates only that the person was affected by the verb; exactly how the person was affected is determined by the context. Also, in English it is almost always the case that a sentence with an indirect object also has a direct object (as in the above examples). However, in Spanish there are some verbs (the most common being gustar, to be pleasing) that take an indirect object without needing a direct object. Following are examples that should help clarify some common types of uses of indirect objects. The indirect object pronouns le and les (the third-person indirect objects) are used in the following examples to make it clear that an indirect object pronoun is being used. (In the first and second persons, the indirect and direct objects are the same; for example, me can function as either an indirect or direct object.) Indicating that a person received some emotion, sensation, result or impression: El trabajo le abruma. (The work is overwhelming to her.) Le gusta el programa. (The program is pleasing to him.) No voy a explicarle las teorà ­as. (I am not going to explain the theories to you.) Les obligà ³ que comer. (He forced them to eat.) La decisià ³n le perjudicà ³. (The decision harmed him.) Les es ventajoso. (It is advantageous to them.) Indicating a loss of something: Le robaron cincuenta euros. (They took 50 euros from her.) Le sacaron un rià ±on. (They took out one kidney from her.) Le comprà © el coche. (I bought the car from him or I bought the car for him.) Las inversiones le devaluaron. (The investments lost money for him.) With various phrases using hacer or tener: Les hacà ­a  feliz. (It made them happy.) Les tengo miedo. (Im afraid for them.) Le hizo daà ±o. (It hurt her.) When a verb affects a body part or an intimate possession, particularly clothing. In such cases, the pronoun is seldom translated to English: Se le cae el pelo. (His hair is falling out. Note that, as in this example, when a reflexive verb is used, the reflexive pronoun comes before the indirect-object pronoun.) Le rompieron los anteojos. (They broke his glasses.) With certain verbs to indicate sufficiency or insufficiency. The pronoun isnt always translated to English. Le faltan dos euros. (She is two euros short.) Les bastan 100 pesos. (A hundred pesos is enough for them.) When making requests or addressing someone: Le pidieron dos libros. (They asked her for two books.) Les exigià ³ mucho dinero. (It required much money from them.) Les dijo que es peligroso. (He told them it is dangerous.)