Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Influence and Contribution of BuzzFeed in the...

During the digital age, the internet becomes more and more popular. Conversely, the circulation and the advertising revenues of newspapers are vanishing duo to the emergence of internet and audience migration. When most of the news organizations are struggling in digital age, there is a new form of news media growing up on the web that is BuzzFeed. This essay will firstly point out the analysis of this news source and then discuss the influence and contribution of BuzzFeed in the public sphere. BuzzFeed is a rapidly growing social news and entertaining website, which founded in 2006 by Jonah Peretti (BuzzFeed, n.d.). The majority of audiences are about 20 to 30 year old and also large portion of readers are in 30s to 40s (Moore, 2013). In†¦show more content†¦For substantive content, BuzzFeed offer in-depth coverage in some issues (BuzzFeed, n.d.). In other words, the hard news which is similar to the traditional news coverage is covered in BuzzFeed. Unlike other traditional media companies’ revenue model, BuzzFeed provides advertorial or social advertising, but not banner ads. Advertorial is advertising which format is similar to editorial (Moore, 2013). BuzzFeed creative team will work with the advertisers to make advertising sharable and attract the readers’ attention to read through the ads rather than skim through the ads (Moore, 2013). As matter of fact, Peretti (as cited in Hagey, 2012) makes sure that BuzzFeed refuses traditional banner ads and he believes advertorial is better form of advertising because readers a more willing to pay attention on this rather than the banner ads. Furthermore, readers may even share the ads on the internet to even broader audience. Indeed, about 40% additional advertising views were gotten from the sharing because people are more interest in what friends recommended to them (Hagey, 2012). It is also the principle why stories in BuzzFeed can spread out as fast as ‘viralà ¢â‚¬â„¢. In 2013, almost all of the revenues of BuzzFeed are generated by social advertising (Moore, 2013) and according to Peretti (2013), BuzzFeed is now making profit thought the investment has not been recovered. As a result, as mentioned above, it showed that BuzzFeed is a successful new mediaShow MoreRelatedDigital Journalism And Its Impact On Society2418 Words   |  10 Pageswelcome incorporation to the academic curriculum or the news industry, but in today’s day and age many will agree that online journalism is a vital and durable platform for the global communications landscape and that it will have as noteworthy an influence on society as news from traditional mediums has done, such as newspapers, magazines, television, etc. (Kevin Kawamoto, 2003) With digital journalism advancing, how sure are we that the Internet is actually helping news agencies transmit their news

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